Danny Gordon Art is an art brand based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. My dog art is part anatomically accurate and part comical. I like it that way, because it allows customers to see their precious pets in my art, while at the same time, bringing smiles to their faces!

Unless I has a definite idea of what I want to draw, I look online for inspiration. After finding great quality dog photos, I pick one and begins a conceptual sketch to work out any issues. I then transfer my sketch onto a final drawing surface and apply color using Chartpak markers and Prisma Color pencils.
It typically takes 5-7 hours to complete an image. At this point, I scan my art into the computer and applies it to a design, which can be printed on a product.
My very first dog drawing in September of 2003 was not planned. My wife suggested that I take my socks off the kitchen counter. Oh wait, that’s a different story! Anyway, My wife suggested that I draw a Basset Hound as a sidekick to a cartoon character that I created. My next dog drawing was Rusty the Dachshund, and I have been drawing dog art ever since!